#Drools & #jBPM @ #JBCNConf 2016 (Barcelona, June)
Great news! Once again the amazing and flamboyant leaders of the Java User Group from Barcelona manage to put together their anual conference JBCNConf. And, of course, Drools & jBPM will be there. Take a look at their website for more information about the talks and speakers, and if you are close enough to Barcelona I hope to see you all there.

This year I will be doing a Drools Workshop there (Thursday, first day of the conference), hoping to introduce people to Drools in a very hands on session. So if you are looking to start using Drools straight away, this is a great opportunity to do so. If you are a more advanced user and wants to bring your examples or issues to the workshop you are more than welcome. I will be sharing the projects that I will be using on the workshop a couple of weeks before the event so can take a look and bring more questions to the session. It is also probable that I will be bringing with me freshly printed copies of the new Mastering Drools book, so you might be able to get some copies for free :)
Maciej Swiderski will be covering the jBPM and Knowledge Driven Microservices this year. I totally recommend this talk to anyone interested in how to improve your micro services by adopting tools to formalise and automate domain specific knowledge.
Finally, this year Maciej and I will be given the closing talk of the conference titled : The Open Source Way were we will be sharing with the audience the main benefits of getting involved with the open source community & projects but most importantly we will be sharing how to do achieve that. If you are already an Open Source project contributor and you plan to attend to the conference, get in touch!
Stay tuned for more news, and get in touch if you want to hang around with us before and after the conference!