

KCD Munich - Platforms, Cloud Native and Communities

I had an amazing time at KCD Munich this week. KCDs are always fun because you get to see where the communities are, which topics are hot and you meet a lot of project maintainers. Kudos to the organizers who did an amazing job at having an amazing third edition of the conference.
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🇪🇸 DevBCN / KCD Barcelona 2024

Another DevBCN conference done! This year was special because the first KCD Barcelona happened. I started the KCD Track on
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Spring I/O, Dapr, and Spring Boot

Last week, I enjoyed attending, presenting, and sharing extraordinary times with the Spring community at Spring I/O Barcelona.
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KubeCon NA 2023

Last week KubeCon NA, was personally the most amazing and rewarding KubeCon so far! The highlight of my week was meeting with people interested in the just published and printed Platform Engineering on Kubernetes book.
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Have you ever been to KubeCon?

I am heading to KubeCon NA Chicago, USA for a full 7 days of Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Platform Engineering, and Open Source including Cloud-Native Rejekts, KubeCon Co-located events (AppDeveloperCon) and the main conference starting on Tuesday.
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KubeCon Shanghai 2023

KubeCon Shanghai is over, and I am still mind-blown with the entire experience. The conference had 1800+ people attending in Shanghai, and companies like Huawei, Arm, Intel, and Alibaba Cloud were sponsoring the event.
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DevBcn 2023

I've been presenting at the JBCN / DevBCN conference, held in Barcelona, Spain, for eight years. Originally started as a Java Conference organized by the local Java User Group, I watched the conference grow from a few hundred people to 1000+.
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GOTO Aarhus 2023

It is a wrap! Here are my notes about GOTO Aarhus. The conference was very well organized and brought speakers worldwide to this beautiful city in Denmark.
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Spring I/O 2023

I had a lot of fun at Spring I/O in Barcelona, Spain. The conference is entirely focused on the Spring Ecosystem.
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Devoxx UK 2023

Devoxx UK, a conference for seasoned Intermediate/Senior Java developers, a bit of Cloud and a lot of architecture. In this short blog post, I wanted to share some of the topics I've found interesting and some hall track discussions I had during the conference. Take these as my personal notes.
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